Bikin dan Pindah Rumah Ceremony

Bikin dan Pindah Rumah Ceremony (build and move into a new house) is a traditional ceremony that relates to the life cycle of human beings. Building a house for Betawi people is a very important, therefore critical elements such as funding, the right building materials, and the lot where the house is built must be secured, as well as conditions which are of supernatural in nature according to local belief.

Building materials are preferred from wood elements. Favorite trees are: jackfruit, durian, harp, jamblang, cempaka, jengkol trees, and so on. These all are local Betawi trees. Jackfruit wood should not be used to make drompol (the bottom part of the door frame and other bottom parts of the house). If this wood is stepped over, it will cause jaundice. Therefore jackfruit wood is mainly used for building columns, walls, and carved panel doors. The combination of jackfruit and jamblang wood make a good design. Cempaka wood should be used for the upper door frame. This has a certain meaning, namely so that the homeowners to be always respected and liked by their neighbours. On the other hand, tamarind should not be used for building materials. It is believed that using such wood will affect harmony between the homeowner and his neighbours. Home will also look rumpled, barren and not “authoritative”.

Moving into a house (pinde rume) for Betawi people has special and strategic meanings. The house does not only function as a place of refuge from unfriendly world outside, but more importantly as a place to sow good seeds for future generations. That is why “pinde rume” must be prepared thoroughly, including to have the availability of funds, involvement of neighbors, community leaders, religious leaders, arts group, etc.

The main philosophy of the house in the Betawi community is stated in the proverb “Things begin at home and will come back at home”