Tamatan Quran / Khatam Quran

Khatam Quran in Betawi is often called Tamatan Quran (meaning to already completing the study of Quran). The ceremony is very important for Betawi people because it shows that such person is considered to have already understood the teachings of Islam. Because many times, even a child who is registered as a student to recite Koran in a local mosque, does not always learn or taught properly how to read the Quran.

The person who decides whether a student has completed or passed the lesson is the teacher himself, as the person who teaches, observes and follows the student’s progress. The teacher will determine whether a student has completed the study.

On the day of the ceremony, the graduating children are escorted by their family to the place they have learned to recite the Quran. The teacher and their friends are waiting there. A graduation ceremony (such as Rebana Ketimpring, or others) will be conducted, followed by a parade or procession to their home.